Call for Papers
2nd Symposium Computing and Mental Health, 2017
Denver, CO – 6 May 2017
The World Health Organization predicts that by the year 2030, depression and other mental illnesses will be the leading disease burden globally. The rapid penetration and advancement of mobile phones and technology have given rise to unprecedented opportunities for close collaboration between computation researchers and mental health practitioners. The intersection between wearable computing, design of naturalistic observation experiments and statistical causal inference offers promising avenues for developing technologies to help those in mental distress; yet human factors inquiry and design are often the missing ingredients in this powerful mix. This second inter-disciplinary workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers in mental health and computing to come together under the much needed auspices of human-centric design, towards the development and deployment of new technologies mental health technologies and interventions.
Intelligent User Interface and interaction design for mental health & psychological wellbeing (aka Positive Computing)
- Design of experiments for diagnostic & interventions
- Supporting mental health professionals
- User Centered Design
- Wearable and social computing in mental health
- Causal Inference and mood prediction
- Ethics and user agency
Long papers and presentations will be selected from those already being submitted to a special issue of JMIR. Since JMIR is the highest ranked journal in the field and open access we expect many excellent submissions. The Special issue will be published in time for the workshop.
Tree types of submissions will be accepted:
- ‘social’ (1 page): Introductory notes, for individuals, research groups or companies (aimed at supporting networking activities during the event)
- ‘poster’ (4 page or recent open access paper) to be included in this website.
- ‘long’ (8 pages, for JMIR Special Issue, either in 2017 or later. Short presentation.
All accepted research outcomes (poster and long) will be invited to present during the event and papers will be added to the online proceedings.
Submission Link
All submissions will be managed via Easychair here. Accepted submissions (posters and long) will be published with the proceedings in this website. Extended versions of the papers accepted will be considered for a future special issue of JMIR. For those seeking to present their work, we also invite submissions of papers in the CHI notes style, with a maximum of 4 pages summarizing work in one of teh areas above
Important Dates:
- Submission deadline: closed for Posters and Long papers. Open for 1-pagers. Submit here
- Acceptance notification: 1 March 2017
- Workshop: 6 May 2017
Rationale for the workshop
The rationale for the workshop is described in this PDF.
Please cite as “RA Calvo, K. Dinakar, R. Picard, J. Torous (to appear). 2nd Symposia on Computing and Mental Health. in Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver CO
Submission Format
- Microsoft Word Template for Papers and Notes
- LaTeX Template for Papers and Notes
- PDF Example for Papers and Notes
Please note: small fonts for references are prohibited